Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Seeking Clarification re OMB Appeals

The Hon J. Gerretson,
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing,
Queen’s Park,

Dear Minister Gerretson

In researching recent revisions to the 2001 Ontario Municipal Act, I note that permissive powers have been given to single-tier municipalities like Toronto and Ottawa to pass bylaws in respect of their governance structure. Such permitted changes I understand cannot be appealed to the OMB.

I do not see, however, a reference to this same authority being extended to cities like Oshawa that are principally governed by an upper tier regional government and thus I expect actions being taken by Oshawa City Council to revert from ward voting to a general vote could be appealed.

Would you be kind enough to have your officials provide clarification on this question, and if I am wrong, could you have them provide the source details.

Irrespective of the questions above, could your officials please provide me the current step-by-step OMB appeal process as there are at present two additional arguments for appeal beyond the permissive powers above that we are developing.

You and your officials may be interested in the site www.oshawaspeaks.ca where we are working to provide Oshawa Citizens with information on the ward vs. general vote question.

William Longworth

Feb. 13, 2007

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