As you all know, we have an upcoming election for a trustee position since a winning candidate was not qualified to run. This costly venture was an error on the part of the city clerk who certifies candidates as eligible. This is a problem that has been covered up by the Oshawa politicians who have placed the blame on the ineligible candidate whose only “crime” was to fill out nomination papers ignorant of the barring legislation, something the Oshawa city clerk should have caught.
Anyway, we do have an election and so some people may be interested in my choice and the rationale for that choice.
My choice is obvious from the candidate’s sign pictured here that is on my lawn.
So why am I supporting Scott Templeton.
Easy I guess…There are too many candidates and I have not seen one flyer in this city wide vote. Since I have seen no candidate propaganda, I have to make a choice based on lack of information…something voters will face for all offices if Oshawa gets the general vote for city council elections. This is similar to the lack of information Oshawa voters faced on the plebiscite question. Just grin and bear it and stick your "X" somewhere! Democracy elsewhere depends upon an informed public...but this is Oshawa's version of democracy!
I do know that two candidates live outside Oshawa and Scott is one of those. However, Oshawa city council by adapting moves toward the general vote have communicated to all voters that where you live is not important in representing the interests of voters. So the residence of an Durham Board Trustee is irrelevant according to Oshawa City Council.
I also know that two sitting Oshawa Trustees who were defeated in the last election must have been defeated for a purpose. Therefore neither of them will get my vote.
In voting for Scott Templeton, I am hopeful that the Trustees of the Durham District School Board will see the wisdom of holding general or at large elections as Oshawa City Council has done and the result might be an eventual windfall for Oshawa.
If the Board adopts a policy of having trustees elected by general vote, it is probable in the future, since Oshawa is the largest population center in the jurisdiction of the Board, that all of the trustees will come from Oshawa. The history of the general vote is that political power comes to reside in the richer high voter turnout areas. This is similar to what will happen in Oshawa with the general vote that council wants.
If Oshawa got all of the political power on the Durham Board, we could have the best schools, the best administrators, the best teachers, the best of everything at the expense of other areas under the Boards' jurisdiction, because we would expect that Oshawa politicians would look after Oshawa first wouldn’t we? Great benefits would also accrue to North Oshawa if the city got the general vote. If all of the politicians came to reside here, wouldn’t North Oshawa benefit from all of the city amenities at the expense of other areas of the city? After all it is human nature to look after the interests closest to you first, isn’t it?
So my choice…Scott Templeton. I don’t know much about him but am looking forward to complete adoption of the general vote by the Durham Board because this would eventually result in great benefits to Oshawa at the expense of other regions under the Board’s jurisdiction.
Besides, what is good for Oshawa City Council is also good for the Durham Board. Our politicians have told us it doesn’t matter where you live…so take their advice. Vote Scott Templeton! After all, what is good for the goose, is also good for the gander...right?
There is an election forum tonight, March 21, 7:00-9:00 pm, at O’Neill CI. Enter from the Mary Street Parking Lot and walk up to the 2nd floor (main level) to the auditorium. Be sure to attend! Because of the number of candidates, all will be given 2 or 3 minutes to explain what they know about education. Under the general vote, this is similar to election forums that would be held for candidates for election to Oshawa City Council!
I will be there and ask all of the trustee candidates to explain the merits/demerits of the general vote. Maybe they will help Oshawa voters understand the merits or lack thereof of the general vote that Oshawa City Council wants to adapt for city council elections.
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